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Category: News
NEWS Jul 04, 2022 Wright Amendment Blues: Delta Wins Right to Stay at Dallas Love Field After Legal Battle This article is written on the recent Dallas City Council ruling that Delta will be able to operate out of Dallas Love Field for the next six years. The article also provides insight into the history of why this ruling is significant. Read More →
NEWS Jul 03, 2022 Computer Glitch Leaves American Airlines Flights Without Pilots A glitch in American Airlines' pilot scheduling system has left flights without crews. The airline worked to minimize the problem but issues still linger. Read More →
NEWS Jun 28, 2022 JetBlue Partnership Provides Helicopter Transfers for Select Flyers JetBlue announced it agreed on a new partnership with helicopter service Blade. Passengers with select statuses can now redeem credits and discounts on helicopter transfers in New York. Read More →
NEWS Jun 26, 2022 Spanish EasyJet Crews to Strike EasyJet staff in Spain now plan on striking in July. This labor unrest will have an impact across Europe Read More →
NEWS Jun 23, 2022 EasyJet Passenger Dies at London Gatwick Airport An 82-year-old man passed away after arriving at London Gatwick Airport. Read More →
NEWS Jun 20, 2022 Doha Hamad International Airport Named Best Airport in the World Doha Hamad recently named world's best airport of 2022. Read More →
NEWS Jun 19, 2022 United Partnership Brings Plant-Based Menu Items United is debuting new, plant-based menu items as it launches a partnership with Impossible Foods. Customers can now consume an Impossible Meatball Bowl on select U.S. flights and an Impossible Sausage in select Polaris lounges. Read More →
NEWS Jun 16, 2022 Ryanair Faces Six-Day Strike in Spain Spanish labor organizations have called for a Ryanair staff strike arising from a failure to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement guaranteeing safe conditions with the airline. If the strike goes forward, it will occur for six days between June 24 and July 2, likely causing massive travel hiccups for those looking to vacation in Spain. Read More →
NEWS Jun 15, 2022 The Airbus A321 XLR Could Start Flying Soon The A321XLR, which promises to change the airline industry, is set for a test flight this week. Read More →
NEWS Jun 12, 2022 Frontier Debuts New Tail Honoring Costa Rica Frontier is launching a new tail to honor its flights to Costa Rica. The tail can still be named, and interested individuals have until June 11 to vote on a name. Read More →