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Tag: rest
INFORMATIONAL Aug 08, 2024 5 Ways to Beat Jet Lag and Recover Faster Formally known as desynchronosis, jet lag is a temporary sleep disorder that occurs when your body’s circadian rhythm is essentially turned upside-down by rapidly flying across time zones. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Jun 21, 2024 Why Is Airport Food So Expensive? Airports' high food costs result from pricey rent, delivery fees, and staff retention. Storage fees and transportation costs raise prices. Vendors face challenges keeping staff, leading to re-training costs and adding extra expenses Read More →
STORIES Apr 02, 2024 Remembering Hooters Air: The Restaurant's Attempt to Launch an Airline Hooters Air was a short-lived brand experiment by the US-based restaurant chain that ultimately failed. However, it did intrigue the public enough for many to try it. Read More →
NEWS Sep 27, 2023 The Battle for Slots: Delta vs. United at Tokyo Haneda Delta has officially announced it will scrap plans to start service between Portland and Tokyo Haneda. United Airlines has swooped in and applied to use these routes to expand its network from Tokyo. This situation highlights the importance of slots in airport operations. Read More →
NEWS Apr 02, 2023 China's Largest Airlines Report Record Losses in 2022 Amid COVID-19 Lockdowns China's largest airlines saw record losses in 2022 as part of the COVID-Zero policy. However, recent data suggests that China's aviation industry will have a better year in 2023, which will impact global air travel. Read More →
NEWS Dec 28, 2022 American Carriers Consider Returning to China On Monday, December 26, 2022, China's National Health Commission said that it will drop the quarantine requirement for travelers entering China, effective January 8. The end of the policy comes as China is slowly loosening up its policies towards COVID-19 after nearly three years of being almost completely shut to foreign travelers. Read More →
NEWS Apr 22, 2022 Maskless Flights Between United States and Britain Are Here Following the voiding of the United States mask mandate, combined with a similar ruling in the UK, it seems that maskless flights between the US and the UK are finally in sight. Read More →
NEWS Jun 17, 2021 European Union May Soon Lift Travel Restrictions For United States Citizens  The European Union may be about to lift restrictions on travelers from the United States. The decision on a proposal to add the United States to the European Union-wide white list is expected today. Read More →
NEWS Feb 09, 2021 Cathay Pacific Ends Mask Mandate for Select Passengers In an internal memo sent to Cathay Pacific staff members, the airline announced to its workers that there would be times that select passengers could remove their masks during flight. Read More →