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Tag: travel safety
INFORMATIONAL Aug 10, 2024 What Does SSSS On My Boarding Pass Mean? SSSS is an abbreviation for "Secondary Security Screening Selection." This means that you’ve been randomly selected for an additional security screening by the TSA before your flight. SSSS is part of routine TSA security protocol, which aims to enhance air travel safety. A secondary screening is exactly what it sounds like; it’s another screening beyond what you usually experience when going through security. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL May 22, 2024 How Flight Trackers Make Flying Safer Integrating biometric validation, facial recognition, automated visa processing, ticketing, and boarding, coupled with ADS-B and ASDE-X, has evolved aviation security, ensuring a safe and secure travel experience. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL May 20, 2024 G5 Geomagnetic Storm May Affect Aviation Communication, Navigation A severe geomagnetic storm may interrupt GPS satellites, power grids, and mobile phone networks this weekend. It is the result of a series of solar flares that began on Wednesday May 8 and is expected to have its maximum effect on May 10-11. This is the first such solar storm to over in nearly 20 years. Read More →