FRIDAY JUL 26, 2024
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Tag: hydroelectric
STORIES Jan 14, 2024 This New Hydroelectric VTOL Aircraft Could Be the Future of Private Air Travel Swiss aviation startup Sirius Aviation AG has unveiled the groundbreaking Sirius Jet, the world's first hydrogen-powered VTOL aircraft, designed in collaboration with BMW's Designworks and Sauber Group. The aircraft, set to debut in 2025 with versions for private and commercial aviation, features zero emissions, impressive flight ranges, and speeds, marking a significant leap towards sustainable air travel. Read More →
NEWS Aug 09, 2022 Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft? American Airlines Invests in ZeroAvia Alternative-fuel sources or new technology, such as hydrogen-powered aircraft concepts, are one of several ways to reduce the aviation sector's climate impact. Aiming to achieve lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, American Airlines announced its investment in ZeroAvia, a developer of hydrogen-electric powertrain technology that aims to “drive emissions-free flying." Read More →