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Tag: airline
NEWS Jul 16, 2024 United Airlines Puts NFL Hall of Famer Terrell Davis in Handcuffs; Davis in Shock NFL Hall of Famer Terrell Davis was detained this past weekend on a United Airlines flight, in what Davis has called a "traumatizing" event for him and his family. Let's examine what happened. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Jul 13, 2024 Why Is Spirit Airlines So Cheap? A Look at How Budget Airlines Work Spirit Airlines is cheap, like much cheaper than other US airlines. But why is this? A la carte pricing and low overhead help set this airline apart from traditional carriers. Read More →
NEWS Jul 13, 2024 Laptop Fire Onboard American Airlines Flight Forces Passengers To Evacuate Onto Runway An American Airlines flight was evacuated in San Francisco following an onboard fire that filled the cabin with smoke. Here's what we know about the incident so far. Read More →
NEWS Jun 27, 2024 The World’s First Hybrid Airline: Air Premia You may be familiar with the two main groups of airlines: full-service carriers and low-cost carriers. But have you ever heard of a "hybrid" airline? Today, we will look at the world's first example of such an airline: Air Premia from South Korea. Read More →
NEWS Jun 26, 2024 Will We Ever See United 737 MAX 10s? With Boeing continuously in the hot seat, many once-loyal customers are rethinking their future fleet strategies. Specifically, the constant controversies involving shoddy build quality and issues with newer planes like the 737 MAX are too much to ignore. Such issues have prompted United Airlines, a loyal Boeing customer, to rethink its future fleet possibly without the Boeing 737 MAX 10, which it has over 100 orders for. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Jun 22, 2024 Willing To Give up Your Seat? A Look Into Voluntary Bumping and How To Maximize Compensation Oftentimes on oversold flights, airlines will ask passengers to voluntarily accept a later flight, or a “bump,” in exchange for monetary compensation. Voluntary bumping has grown in popularity over recent years as airlines attempt to decrease the number of involuntary bumps. But what are voluntary bumps and how can you maximize your compensation? Read More →
STORIES Jun 21, 2024 I Flew Around the World. Here's How it Went. Recently, I flew around the globe, with a trip to Southeast Asia in the mix as well. Some general outtakes from my adventure were positive, as the budget airlines in Asia blew my expectations. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Jun 21, 2024 Why Is Airport Food So Expensive? Airports' high food costs result from pricey rent, delivery fees, and staff retention. Storage fees and transportation costs raise prices. Vendors face challenges keeping staff, leading to re-training costs and adding extra expenses Read More →
STORIES Jun 21, 2024 From Airline Newbie to Emirates President: Sir Tim Clark and How to Become an Airline CEO Sir Timothy Charles Clark KBE FRAeS is a British business executive and the President of Dubai based Airline Emirates since January 2003. He was also the Managing Director of SriLankan Airlines until 2008. Read More →
NEWS Jun 20, 2024 How Is the Aviation Industry Combating Cybersecurity Threats? Aircraft use all sorts of technological navigation equipment when they are flying through the sky. But what happens when that equipment doesn't give the right readings? Read about GPS Spoofing, giving aircraft false signals to lead them astray. Read More →