An Aeromexico flight scheduled to fly from Chicago-O'Hare International Airport (ORD) to Mexico City International Airport (MEX) performed a rejected take off at around 3:49 p.m. CT on Monday, August 8, due to a blown tire.
Aeromexico Flight #687 began its take off roll as usual. However, upon reaching around 160 miles per hour, the decision was made to stop the take off and slow the plane to a halt. The flight crew made the decision due to a tire blowout during the take off roll. The aircraft, a Boeing 737-800, safely came to a stop and emergency services arrived at the scene within minutes. Fire crews examined the aircraft for any signs of damage or excessive brake heat. All brakes appeared to be normal and no additional damage was immediately found by fire crews.

The flight crew ordered an evacuation of the airplane on the runway and passengers were deplaned via air stairs and bussed back to the terminal. The number of passengers and crew members onboard was not released as of the writing of this article.
The aircraft involved in the incident is a 16 year-old Boeing 737-852, which was delivered new to Aeromexico in 2006. The same aircraft was involved in an incident in January 2022, when a catering vehicle struck the aircraft,
causing minor damage. The aircraft has no other reported incidents. Aeromexico has not made any public comment regarding this incident.
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