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Tag: Atc
NEWS Sep 04, 2024 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Air Traffic Control AI is changing the game for air traffic control in more ways than one. See what new platforms and solutions are emerging to help both pilots and control towers. Read More →
NEWS Jun 22, 2024 Collision Risks as Australia Struggle With Airport Staff Shortages Industries around the world have been suffering from staff shortages coming out of the pandemic. The travel sector and especially aviation have experienced these struggles first-hand. In Australia, a staff shortage among air traffic controllers has become a huge point of concern as many fear that the chances of a collision have risen. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL May 10, 2024 The Secret Language of Air Traffic Control And How To Understand It. A quick look at some of the most common phrases used in air traffic control communications and what they mean. Read More →
STORIES Feb 23, 2024 The 1956 Grand Canyon Mid-Air Collision: The Crash That Created the Modern Air Traffic Control System The summer morning of June 30, 1956, disaster began with a sudden bang and the sickening crunch of metal crashing into metal. This incident facilitated the creation of the modern en route air traffic control system, which has made commercial aviation the safest means of transportation in human history. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Jan 08, 2024 Could Air Traffic Control Be the Next Job to Be Taken Over by AI? Air traffic controller shortages and longer hours have made the job increasingly demanding for those who go into the profession. The situation is becoming more pronounced but is not particularly global. There have been calls for, and possibly a need for, air traffic control to be phased into a system of artificial intelligence in the future to safeguard the aviation industry's safety. Read More →
NEWS Dec 11, 2023 OPINION: The Air Traffic Controller Crisis is Real in America The aviation industry is enormously complex and requires the skilled labor of thousands of professionals each day to function smoothly. A major sector, though, is facing a pile-up of potentially catastrophic challenges that could threaten the stability of the industry into the future. Read More →
NEWS Aug 14, 2023 Near Collision Occurs Between Southwest 737 and Citation at San Diego The United States' latest near collision incident has occurred at San Diego International Airport (SAN), with a Southwest airlines flight and private jet. This is the eighth major close call incident involving a commercial aircraft in 2023. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Jul 05, 2023 The Sky's the Limit: Exploring the Opportunities for Students in the Field of Aviation Aviation is a promising field for those students who dream of an exciting career in the sky. It's both romantic and rigorous at the same time. No wonder pilots are called the masters of the sky. But for them to be truly so, there must also be skilled teams on the ground to help ensure a quality flight. Let's take a look at the career opportunities for students in aviation. Read More →
NEWS Jul 02, 2023 Over 130 Ryanair Paris Flights Cancelled Due To French Air Traffic Control Strikes Due to the ongoing ATC strikes in France, Ryanair has been forced to cancel over 130 flights. Thousands have been left stranded at airports as employees fight the pending labor changes. Read More →
Sep 16, 2022 French ATC Strike Leaves 1000+ Flights Canceled French ATC workers struck on Friday over wages and recruitment, affecting a thousand flights in France. Read More →