FRIDAY JUL 26, 2024
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Tag: vietnam airlines
ROUTES Apr 13, 2024 The Longest Flights Between Europe and Asia Analyzing the longest flights in the world can be eye-opening as sometimes you will learn about routes you never knew existed. We've been publishing quite a few articles on the world's longest flights, and today, we will focus on the longest routes between Europe and Asia. This "Top Ten" list will not only include nonstop flights but direct flight options as well. Read More →
ROUTES Bamboo Airways Announces Ambitious Route Expansion From October Bamboo Airways will relaunch routes and expand to new frontiers internationally. Can you guess what they are going to add? Click to read more. Read More →
ROUTES Vietnam Airlines Operates Repatriation Flights to the US, Canada, and Europe Amid COVID-19, many foreign governments are looking to evacuate citizens back to their home country.  Foreign governments charter aircraft from their national carrier(s) known as repatriation flights.  According to sources, foreign governments are doing this by chartering Vietnam Airlines to fly to more than 10 countries, rescuing citizens stuck in the country due to the international travel ban. Read More →
NEWS Vietnam Airlines Suspends All International Flights While the Southeastern country of Vietnam has only 76 cases of COVID-19, the Vietnamese government has put a lot of restrictions in place to prevent the virus from entering and spreading in Vietnam. Also, other neighboring countries are now restricing foreigners from entering their countries. These two causes have led to the flag carrier of Vietnam, Vietnam Airlines, being forced to suspend all of its international services. This will be taking place between now and April 30th of this year (2020). Read More →