FRIDAY JUL 26, 2024
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Tag: max 10
NEWS Jun 26, 2024 Will We Ever See United 737 MAX 10s? With Boeing continuously in the hot seat, many once-loyal customers are rethinking their future fleet strategies. Specifically, the constant controversies involving shoddy build quality and issues with newer planes like the 737 MAX are too much to ignore. Such issues have prompted United Airlines, a loyal Boeing customer, to rethink its future fleet possibly without the Boeing 737 MAX 10, which it has over 100 orders for. Read More →
NEWS Smooth Flying for the MAX? A few months ago, things seemed hopeless for the 737 MAX. The MAX has been grounded worldwide for over fifteen months after two crashes that killed over 300 people. Since then, Boeing has been making adjustments to the plane, trying to get it recertified and deemed airworthy once again. Boeing has, of course, experienced difficulty during this time, with lawsuits, investigations, canceled orders, loss of customers, loss of trust, and to make matters worse, COVID-19. But now, as the MAX enters the final stages of the recertification process, it seems as if things may start going Boeing's way. Read More →