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Tag: boarding
INFORMATIONAL Aug 10, 2024 What Does SSSS On My Boarding Pass Mean? SSSS is an abbreviation for "Secondary Security Screening Selection." This means that you’ve been randomly selected for an additional security screening by the TSA before your flight. SSSS is part of routine TSA security protocol, which aims to enhance air travel safety. A secondary screening is exactly what it sounds like; it’s another screening beyond what you usually experience when going through security. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Jun 22, 2024 Willing To Give up Your Seat? A Look Into Voluntary Bumping and How To Maximize Compensation Oftentimes on oversold flights, airlines will ask passengers to voluntarily accept a later flight, or a “bump,” in exchange for monetary compensation. Voluntary bumping has grown in popularity over recent years as airlines attempt to decrease the number of involuntary bumps. But what are voluntary bumps and how can you maximize your compensation? Read More →
NEWS Aug 10, 2023 Passenger Uses Trashed Ticket, CLEAR Kiosk to Sneak Past Security Airport security has always been notorious for being strict. However, security program CLEAR has recently come under fire when two passengers somehow passed through its checkpoints without proper identification. Read More →
NEWS Apr 27, 2023 United Tests New Boarding Process, Looks to Add Boarding Group 6 United Airlines is currently testing a revamped boarding process for United and United Express-operated flights at several United States Airports. Internal documents reveal the airline may add a sixth boarding group and reshuffle certain passengers into this new group. Read More →