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Tag: Flight
ROUTES Jul 22, 2024 LoganAir's 53-Second Commercial Flight: Shortest in the World A particular flight in Scotland does not use 'hours' as its time unit. In fact, sometimes it doesn't even use 'minutes'. We are talking about 'SECONDS' here, as this flight was accomplished in a mere 53 seconds at some point. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Jul 18, 2024 How Much Do Flight Attendants Actually Make? Flight attendants are crucial for all aircrafts, however their pay tends to vary from place to place. A mix of experience, carrier, and training offer a wide salary range. Read More →
NEWS Jul 18, 2024 F-35 Intercepts Aircraft Flying Through Restricted Airspace During Republican National Convention A Van's RV-6 aircraft was intercepted by F-35 fighter jets after flying through restricted airspace surrounding Milwaukee for the Republican National Convention Read More →
NEWS Jul 04, 2024 More Than 30 Passengers Injured After Air Europa 787 Hits Severe Turbulence Over Brazil More than 30 passengers were injured after and Air Europa Boeing 787 hit severe turbulence off the coast of Brazil. The flight from Madrid to Uruguay diverted to Natal, Brazil to provide medical assistance to injured passengers. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Jun 22, 2024 Willing To Give up Your Seat? A Look Into Voluntary Bumping and How To Maximize Compensation Oftentimes on oversold flights, airlines will ask passengers to voluntarily accept a later flight, or a “bump,” in exchange for monetary compensation. Voluntary bumping has grown in popularity over recent years as airlines attempt to decrease the number of involuntary bumps. But what are voluntary bumps and how can you maximize your compensation? Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Jun 17, 2024 Why Using Mobile Devices on Airplanes Are Prohibited During Takeoff and Landing. Why mobile phones can't be used during takeoff and landing: there are certain reasons to acknowledge that why using mobile devices on airplanes is prohibited during certain stages of their flight. Read More →
NEWS Jun 13, 2024 British Airways Passengers from London Endure a 9-Hour ‘Flight to Nowhere’ British Airways passengers endured a nine-hour “flight to nowhere” on Monday when their Texas-bound flight had to turn back to London after reaching North America. Read More →
NEWS Jun 13, 2024 The Future of Aviation Regulation: Keeping Pace With Innovation Regulations are an incredibly complex and nuanced topic within aviation. They can prevent the use of new innovations and severely inhibit progress. But by including regulatory officials into the developmental process, regulations can adapt to the new and changing aviation. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Jun 10, 2024 What Happens to Pilots After Aviation Accidents? If a plane crash occurs, a government-led investigation will begin. The pilot is usually suspended from duties and undergoes extensive interrogation from the concerned authorities. Read More →
NEWS Jun 10, 2024 Hailstorm Damages Nose, Windshield of Austrian Airlines Plane The Austrian Airlines A320 encountered a hailstorm on Sunday while approaching Vienna Airport in Austria from Palma De Mallorca. Read More →